We're not an IT consultancy;
we're problem solvers

Your success is how we measure ours

Good work with good people

We’re not the kind of IT consultancy that’s just looking for a short-term engagement while charging exorbitant rates and delivering mediocre service.

With 90+ combined years in the industry, we’re clear on our values. We help good people, like you, sort out their IT and tech problems, no matter how big or small. If that means putting in a couple of extra hours to get the job done right, then we’ll do it gladly.

We grow with you as an extension of your team. Making you better, watching you scale beyond your dreams—that’s what real success looks like to us.

A team of three people, gathered around a large monitor.

How AmpliFLI stacks up

AmpliFLI's approach

Green bullet point.

Deliver and charge based on outcome

Green bullet point.

Empower you to take care of solutions we provide

Green bullet point.

Provide robust solutions that stand the test of time

Green bullet point.

We work with you like we are working for our own business

Green bullet point.

We lead you to success using simple techniques and proven technology

Green bullet point.

Integrate with your culture, policies and process

Some other IT consultants

Grey bullet point.

Charge exorbitant rates by the hour

Grey bullet point.

Set you up to be dependent

Grey bullet point.

Produce something that works now but falls apart later

Grey bullet point.

Deliver mediocre service at best

Grey bullet point.

Provide complex solutions that are hard to understand

Grey bullet point.

Prefer to work in isolation, to their own rhythm

You're a key part of the process

We don't just come in, work in isolation and then dump a solution on you. You’ll be involved at every step.

If we see something about your organisation, systems or processes that needs changing, we’re going to be upfront with you.

We’ll do what it takes to bring everyone in your organisation on the journey, with stakeholder meetings, workshops, documentation and more.

A team of four people, three sitting and one standing around a table, reviewing a document.
Two team members, focused on a laptop screen.

Amplifli Definition


Turning up the volume of your tech capability to make a bigger, better impact on the world. The FLI stands for Focus. Lead. Inspire. — our signature method for long-lasting success. We focus on the root problem, lead you to the optimal solution, inspire you to continued success long after we’re gone.




Ready to partner together for tech success?
Three colleagues gathered around a workstation, working together, with their eyes focused on a work document.